Membership Fees

Below are the different payment options as well as how to pay. In order to successfully become a member we request you fill in the form and pay for membership, once both have been accepted you can start training with the club.

Annual membership is required in order to benefit from the concession card and fortnightly payments. Annual payment prices are as follows:
- Senior $70
- Junior $45

The three payment options are:
1) Concession Card
2) Fortnightly
3) Casual

Concession Card:
A single concession card has 10 sessions available on it. Each time you attend a session the card will receive 1 clip. On Saturday sessions the card will be clipped once during the summer and twice during the winter. The cards are available for 3 months from date of issue. Prices shown below:
-Senior $80 (Code: SNR SQD)
-Junior $70 (Code: JNR SQD)

Fortnightly sessions allow the member to attend an unlimtied number of sessions for two weeks.If you sign up for fortnightly payments your name will be added to a register where you can sign in each session. Fortnightly payments must be made prior to the two weeks of training. (This is found to be the most economical way of paying for people who are going to train on a regular basis with the club)
-Senior $65 (Code: SNR 2WK)
-Junior $55 (Code: JNR 2WK)

Casual Individual Sessions:
-Senior $15 (Code: SNR CIS)
-Junior $12 (Code: JNR CIS)
-Non-members $20 (Code: NM CIS)

Casual Saturday Sessions:
-Senior $25 (Code: SNR CSS)
-Junior $20 (Code: JNR CSS)
-Non-members $30 (Code: NM CSS)

How to pay:
Pay your membership fee into the "North Harbour Triathlon Club Inc" bank account.
Account number: 38 9014 0086897-00
In the first field, Reference: Add payment code from selected payment option.
Add as much of your name and surname as you can get in the remaining two reference fields.